U1st Realty: Landlord Checklist

Landlords ... Need Great Property Management!

Terri Scheer Landlord checklist infographic

Infographic provided by Terri Scheer. To check out the original post, go to Landlord Checklist.

LANDLORD Responsibilities 

During a tenancy, the tenant has the right to enjoy the property as their own home.  

The tenant and property manager/owner have responsibilities throughout the tenancy.  

Knowing the rights and responsibilities of tenants and property managers/owners – and what to do in certain situations – can help make a tenancy run smoothly.

Q. What does a landlord legally have to provide?

A. Once a tenant moves in, a landlord is required to make repairs and conduct maintenance to keep the rental property in habitable condition. A habitable property is one that has adequate heating, water, electricity, cleanliness, and is structurally sound. Laws vary from state to state, and even from city to city, especially in the areas of fire, health, and safety.

Q. What are the landlord's repair responsibilities?

A. Although landlords are primarily responsible for ensuring the habitability of the rental property, both landlords and tenants are responsible for certain repairs. 

PLEASE NOTE WELL: However, a landlord is not responsible for repairing damages that were caused by the tenant, or the tenant's family, or the tenant's guests, or the tenant's pets (and only authorised pets should be on the property and that includes tenant's guest's pets).

Take Your Property Investment Business To The Next Level  


U1st Realty property management fees. 

Paying fair remuneration by way of management fees & charges to a reputable agent is one of the most critical decisions you will make as the owner of the property.  

U1st Realty Property Management is built by property investors, borne out of the frustrations of dealing with agents who don’t even own property or care about the issues faced by owners.  

We found that traditional agents lack the understanding and insight required to manage our own properties effectively. We would often encounter situations where our instructions weren’t followed, tenants were treated with disdain and maintenance issues dealt with poorly, ultimately resulting in a loss of income to us as investors.  

We undertook to build our property management business that would address the 3 components we felt were lacking in traditional agencies:- Simplicity, Honesty and Transparency.  

  • Simplicity - We have removed the elements from the business that are not essential to providing great service to property owners. We don’t waste money on expensive office space, we have streamlined all our processes by maximising use of technology and we follow our investors’ instructions. Because we understand what a property investor needs and how to achieve the best outcome, we simply get on with it.  
  • Honesty - Nothing is more frustrating than when someone says one thing and then does another. We won’t use your fees & charges to advertise our agency with glossy, unnecessary and quite frankly outdated advertising. Honesty doesn’t just mean full disclosure at all times, but it also involves not withholding critical information from you. This leads us to our last mandate of transparency.  
  • Transparency - We have no hidden fees and no hidden agenda. We simply want to manage your property as efficiently as possible and treat your investment property as if it were our own. We will disclose everything to you in a timely and professional way.  

We hope you’ve found value in the information we have provided.